Terms and Conditions

The authorised recipient of the Booking Confirmation acknowledges the acceptance of the below Sparrow Sound Studio Terms and Conditions of trading by taking no action to cancel such booking. A booking is considered confirmed when the Sparrow Sound Studio’s “Booking Confirmation” is sent.

Full payment or a 50% deposit is required to secure the booking, and you will be notified of the charges.

Single day sessions with us requires upfront payment, and longer sessions require a 50% deposit to lock in, with the remaining balance due by the last day of your session. We will retain all files and content from the session until the balance has been settled.

A standard day rate in Studio is 8 hours.

We accept credit card, bank transfer and cash.


The artist/s, producer/s, and engineer/s attending studio sessions on Client’s behalf are deemed by Sparrow Sound Studio to be duly authorised representatives of the Client. It is the Client’s responsibility to set limits on charges arising from or for sessions. Sparrow Sound Studio are not liable for any costs or expenses incurred by the Client’s representatives during the course of or related to studio sessions.

Cleaning & Damages
Sparrow Sound Studio retains the right to charge the Client a cleaning and damage fees in the event that there is any damage to the studio, equipment, infrastructure, or facility, which includes but is not limited to spills, water damage, mistreatment of equipment and accidental damage.

Goods and Service Tax
All prices quoted are exclusive of Goods and Services Tax unless otherwise stated. Prices are may be subject to addition of Goods and Services Tax and any other tax or charge imposed by any Government agency on goods or services quoted or on production, sale, distribution, delivery or on any feature of such goods and services if applicable. All such taxes are payable by the Client and will be added to the price by Sparrow Sound Studio at the time it is appropriate or required.

Payment Terms
Unless prior credit arrangements have been approved in writing by Sparrow Sound Studio, payment in full is required before the completion of each studio booking. All materials, tapes, discs, and computer files/drives created at Sparrow Sound Studio remain the property of Sparrow Sound Studio until payment is received in full. Remittance is accepted by all major credit cards, cash and direct deposit. The Client will be liable for any fees, costs and expenses incurred by Sparrow Sound Studio for any debt collection process. Where credit terms have been agreed, payment is strictly 14 days from the date of invoice. If Sparrow Sound Studio’s invoice is not paid within 14 days of receipt of invoice, Sparrow Sound Studio may charge the Client interest on any unpaid amount at the prevailing Reserve Bank of Australia cash rate plus 3% and recover any costs incurred in recovering unpaid amounts (including legal costs) on an indemnity basis.

Refund Policy
Unless there is a technical fault with the recordings or masters provided, Sparrow Sound Studio does not offer refunds.

Masters Delivery
Once mastering is complete and payment has been received in full, your tracks will be delivered as digital files to the provided client email address or at postage of a cd, unless requested otherwise. If delivered by post or courier, the client is responsible for these charges.

Work Health and Safety
Clients and their representatives located on Sparrow Sound Studio premises must comply with Sparrow Sound Studio’s work health and safety guidelines.

Working on Site / Restrictions on Attending Studio Sessions
If you have a suspected or confirmed case of COVID-19, you are not permitted to attend site and need to isolate yourself immediately to prevent it spreading to other people. This extends to Sparrow Sound Studio staff / team members and all Sparrow Sound Studio clients.
Similarly you are not permitted to attend the studios and must self-isolate if you exhibit the following:

If a family member or household member is diagnosed with COVID-19
If you are showing any flu like symptoms
If you have returned from overseas travel within 14 days
If you have attended a gathering of over 500 people from 16/03/2020

Sparrow Sound Studio reserves its rights to refuse any staff member or client who does not comply with the above.

Damage and Loss
The Client indemnifies Sparrow Sound Studio and its employees against all and any losses, damages or claims by third parties howsoever arising in respect of any loss or damage to any property including tapes, disks and media, corruption of data or computer systems and software, breach of intellectual property rights, personal injury or death, breach of contract or breach of law caused by an act or omission of the Client or its representatives. The Client is liable for all and any losses, damages or claims in respect of any loss or damage to any of Sparrow Sound Studio property including tapes, disks and media, corruption of data or computer systems and software, breach of Sparrow Sound Studio intellectual property rights, personal injury, breach of contract or breach of law caused by an act or omission of the Client or its representatives. To the extent permitted by law, Sparrow Sound Studio is not liable for any losses, damages or claims arising out of or in connection with this contract, the use of Sparrow Sound Studio’s premises or equipment (including software) by the Client or its representatives, the provision of services or advice by Sparrow Sound Studio or its employees, including but not limited to breakdowns or defects in equipment, facilities, and materials provided by Sparrow Sound Studio or any default on the part of Sparrow Sound Studio or its employees in connection with or during the carrying out of any work by Sparrow Sound Studio or its employees. Whilst every effort is made to ensure reasonable security, Sparrow Sound Studio accepts no liability for loss, theft or damage to Client property, tapes or recording/backup media whilst on our premises. In the case of transfers from old medium (e.g., analogue tapes, old tape or old digital formats) to new, Sparrow Sound Studio makes no guarantee of success. All care but no responsibility will be taken during the process of transfer. Sparrow Sound Studio equipment and specifications are subject to change without notice.

If archiving of mastered projects is requested, Sparrow Sound Studio archives the material on the most reliable media available at the time of archiving. Sparrow Sound Studio takes utmost care with the archiving and storing of materials but will not take responsibility for media that deteriorates over time, breaks, develops faults, or is in a format that becomes obsolete. Sparrow Sound Studio does not guarantee the archives can be recovered and the service is used for convenience and not to maintain data integrity.